Often we imagine that we want to live any longer, to feel the presence of our next generation. We want to see the children and grandchildren, maybe our great-grandchildren were born. Witnessing the changes taking place in the world around us, watching the success of our descendants to conquer the hard life of the people who succeed physically, mentally and materially, anyway if you can want to live another thousand years. Life expectancy describes the possibility of us living in good health, both physically and spiritually, mentally and physically. But life expectancy figures that become meaningless when we are still alive but not in healthy condition, we will become a burden for our next generation.
The question now, what shall we do so we can stay healthy until old age? very true what you have in mind, namely the balance of life.
The balance of life can we begin to set back our lifestyle that we've lived so far, starting only with a simple, and started to do now, do not delay.
The following is a simple concept of lifestyle balance abbreviated NEW START, namely:
N = Nutrition, nutrition. Balanced nutrition we get from food will determine the level of our overall health. Nutritional balance in diet composition should be considered in such a way, so that in our foods contain Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat, Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, Fiber and water are sufficient for cell metabolism. Excess or deficiency of nutrients in our food will affect our health, fast or slow. Many diseases arise due to imbalance of nutrients, is indeed difficult for us to avoid the foods that contain harmful additives and is not useful, such as flavoring agents, coloring or artificial sweeteners, but if we want, there are many healthy foods that we can consumption around us.
E = Excercise, sports. Almost everyone I asked about the need to maintain health with exercise agree that exercise is one way to keep us healthy, but when I ask who regularly exercise in balance at least 2 times a week, most likely amount less than the initial question earlier. Regular exercise, measured and balanced is needed to help the metabolism at the cellular level, helping to change the carbohydrate and fat into energy.
W = Water, water. More than 70% of our body is water. Water is a key element of the human body, many substances that enter into our body must be dissolved in water before being used and stored in the cell. Our need for water is so great, and for us the water used for drinking, cooking, bathing etc. The course must meet water quality standards, among other things pretty much the level of oxygen contained therein. The more oxygen contained in water, the water will feel more refreshed. The water also must be free of pollution (chemical, microbiological and physical), good color, smell or taste. Healthy living advice is we should drink at least about 8 cups (@ 250 ml) per day, so we do not lack body fluids (dehydration) and for the temperature of our bodies stay balanced. So do not Sepelekan water we consume.
S = Sun Shine, Sunlight. the concept of healthy living next is as much as possible we are exposed to sunlight in the morning with a sufficient amount. Based on research by experts, the morning sunlight contains many substances that are useful as a catalyst for change provitamin to vitamin that is useful for cell growth, such as pro-vitamin D into vitamin D which is very beneficial for bone growth. The morning sun rays are also often used to cope with hyperbilirubinemia in neonates (newborns), whereas in the first weeks after birth the baby will appear yellow, then the doctor or midwife will be advised to hang the baby about 1 hour every morning, because if it had hyperbilirubinemia entered the advanced stage, it can cause mental disability as a result of the binding of bilirubin in the baby's brain cells. So let us bask in the morning, do not be afraid to get skin cancer if we bask in the morning while exercising.
T = Temper, anger, emotion. Control of emotional balance is necessary for health menajaga. More than 80% of diseases arising from emotional imbalance, this is often called psychosomatic diseases, namely physical illnesses (soma) which dimulia result of psychological imbalance (mental). Control of emotional balance this can be done with recreational approach (indulge ourselves to relax for a moment, relax) for example by doing activities that is our hobby, or the most powerful is the spiritual approach.
A = Water, Air. The cells in our body are in need of fresh air, oxygen-rich air. But the problem is, now the fresh air all around us the more difficult it gained because of the many air pollution around us caused by industrial smoke, motor vehicle to smoke cigarettes. lack of oxygen in the air we breathe will cause our cells experience hypoxia (oxygen deficiency condition in which cells to perform normal physiological function), and long-term effects will occur degenartif cells, then cells will mutate. This is one of the causes of cancer.
R = Recreation, Relax, refresh, relax. Recreational activities are activities that need to share equally well to maintain our health, especially mental health. Because of excessive physical fatigue will lead to mental fatigue, and if mental fatigue occurs, it will cause disruption to physical health as well, so both are interconnected and interdependent. Make recreation your loved ones with you now, if you love your body and them.
T = Trust in GOD, GOD To Believe ONLY. Of all the concepts of balance that has been described above, this point is extremely important that its existence, because without this, all be nothing. Whatever your religion, believe only on Him, who created the heavens and the Earth, which is Mighty and Wise, the Most Gracious and Penyanyang, the Almighty, the Beginning and the End. Concrete, be grateful for any gift that has been given to us, do not always complain, do not grieve and do not feel inferior, because everything that happened must have been planned by Him. Be thankful, then you will gave the more enjoyable.
The question now, what shall we do so we can stay healthy until old age? very true what you have in mind, namely the balance of life.
The balance of life can we begin to set back our lifestyle that we've lived so far, starting only with a simple, and started to do now, do not delay.
The following is a simple concept of lifestyle balance abbreviated NEW START, namely:
N = Nutrition, nutrition. Balanced nutrition we get from food will determine the level of our overall health. Nutritional balance in diet composition should be considered in such a way, so that in our foods contain Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat, Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, Fiber and water are sufficient for cell metabolism. Excess or deficiency of nutrients in our food will affect our health, fast or slow. Many diseases arise due to imbalance of nutrients, is indeed difficult for us to avoid the foods that contain harmful additives and is not useful, such as flavoring agents, coloring or artificial sweeteners, but if we want, there are many healthy foods that we can consumption around us.
E = Excercise, sports. Almost everyone I asked about the need to maintain health with exercise agree that exercise is one way to keep us healthy, but when I ask who regularly exercise in balance at least 2 times a week, most likely amount less than the initial question earlier. Regular exercise, measured and balanced is needed to help the metabolism at the cellular level, helping to change the carbohydrate and fat into energy.
W = Water, water. More than 70% of our body is water. Water is a key element of the human body, many substances that enter into our body must be dissolved in water before being used and stored in the cell. Our need for water is so great, and for us the water used for drinking, cooking, bathing etc. The course must meet water quality standards, among other things pretty much the level of oxygen contained therein. The more oxygen contained in water, the water will feel more refreshed. The water also must be free of pollution (chemical, microbiological and physical), good color, smell or taste. Healthy living advice is we should drink at least about 8 cups (@ 250 ml) per day, so we do not lack body fluids (dehydration) and for the temperature of our bodies stay balanced. So do not Sepelekan water we consume.
S = Sun Shine, Sunlight. the concept of healthy living next is as much as possible we are exposed to sunlight in the morning with a sufficient amount. Based on research by experts, the morning sunlight contains many substances that are useful as a catalyst for change provitamin to vitamin that is useful for cell growth, such as pro-vitamin D into vitamin D which is very beneficial for bone growth. The morning sun rays are also often used to cope with hyperbilirubinemia in neonates (newborns), whereas in the first weeks after birth the baby will appear yellow, then the doctor or midwife will be advised to hang the baby about 1 hour every morning, because if it had hyperbilirubinemia entered the advanced stage, it can cause mental disability as a result of the binding of bilirubin in the baby's brain cells. So let us bask in the morning, do not be afraid to get skin cancer if we bask in the morning while exercising.
T = Temper, anger, emotion. Control of emotional balance is necessary for health menajaga. More than 80% of diseases arising from emotional imbalance, this is often called psychosomatic diseases, namely physical illnesses (soma) which dimulia result of psychological imbalance (mental). Control of emotional balance this can be done with recreational approach (indulge ourselves to relax for a moment, relax) for example by doing activities that is our hobby, or the most powerful is the spiritual approach.
A = Water, Air. The cells in our body are in need of fresh air, oxygen-rich air. But the problem is, now the fresh air all around us the more difficult it gained because of the many air pollution around us caused by industrial smoke, motor vehicle to smoke cigarettes. lack of oxygen in the air we breathe will cause our cells experience hypoxia (oxygen deficiency condition in which cells to perform normal physiological function), and long-term effects will occur degenartif cells, then cells will mutate. This is one of the causes of cancer.
R = Recreation, Relax, refresh, relax. Recreational activities are activities that need to share equally well to maintain our health, especially mental health. Because of excessive physical fatigue will lead to mental fatigue, and if mental fatigue occurs, it will cause disruption to physical health as well, so both are interconnected and interdependent. Make recreation your loved ones with you now, if you love your body and them.
T = Trust in GOD, GOD To Believe ONLY. Of all the concepts of balance that has been described above, this point is extremely important that its existence, because without this, all be nothing. Whatever your religion, believe only on Him, who created the heavens and the Earth, which is Mighty and Wise, the Most Gracious and Penyanyang, the Almighty, the Beginning and the End. Concrete, be grateful for any gift that has been given to us, do not always complain, do not grieve and do not feel inferior, because everything that happened must have been planned by Him. Be thankful, then you will gave the more enjoyable.
By : raja11
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