_-_Someone said if he was healthy in a psychological condition of the prime and therefore we must maintain a Healthy Lifestyle_-_

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Side Effects OF Age On Sex .

Sex is vital for men as well as women. It makes our life happy and refreshing. Sex is very much beneficial for our health. It not only improves our blood circulation but it is also a beauty treatment. The latest research also proves that more sex helps to avoid sexual dysfunction. But as we grow older our interest in sex decrease. This is nothing but a side effect of age.

The main factor which is responsible for lack of sex drive in men and women is age. It is observed that young couple(age group 20 to 45) prefers more sex as we compare to middle age couples (45 to 50)and  the couples which are more than 50, mostly don’t enjoy sex very much.

To check the effect of age on the sexuality of the men and women a research has been conducted and the research explores that, the sex drive in men and women decreases as the age increase. There are some factors which occur as our age increase:

1.Sexual Dysfunction in men and women

Sexual Dysfunction in men and women increases as the age increase due to these men cannot get hard erections whereas in women vaginal muscles gets lose. Thus they doesn’t enjoy sexual life. But there are some medications for men like 
Generic Viagra, Kamagra, Edegra, and Zenegra and for women like Lovegra or Pink Kamagra which are used to treat this sexual dysfunction problem.
2. No orgasms for women

As the age increase women are unable to get the orgasms and some women didn’t feel to have sex this due to lack of sex desire. In some cases women’s sexual organ become inactive and they don’t enjoy sexual activity.

3.Deficiency of Testosterone in men

Testosterone is a steroid hormone which is secreted in the testes of male. It plays a vital role in the growth of male reproductive tissues. But after the age of 30 the testosterone in men starts decreasing this result men start losing interest in sex.

4.Uninterested Partner

In some cases (old) men are interested in having sex with their partners. But their partners doesn’t give more importance as they lose erection very fast .This is also a reason that some men avoid sex.

Nowadays diabetes is a one of the common disease which linked to sexual dysfunction in men and women. In diabetes the production of cyclic guanosine monophoshate reduces these results less amount of blood supply into the penal area thus men are not able to achieve erection.

Not only these but also factors such as weight gain, heart diseases, blood pressure etc also contributes decreasing sexual urge.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

4 secrets to improve your Sex Life

A vigorous love life is essential for both your health and your relationship. A sex life can be genuinely turns to libido which cause stress and unhappy life. So here are four secrets which can keep your libido high to stimulate your passion.
Oat is a whole grain which is transmits more testosterone into the blood. It helps to recover male sexual desire and more reliable erections. A proper level of testosterone raise libido in both men and women which helps to develop muscle might, stamina and mental capacity.
Flaxseeds helps to raise testosterone in the body. The omega 3 and omega 6 are the major building blocks of all sex hormones.  Besides this it enhances sex drive. Because of lubricative properties of the flaxseeds oil it helps to reduce the symptoms of arthritis.
Nuts and seeds for a sexual stimulant
Walnuts, almonds, chestnuts, sesame and pistachio are some nuts and seed which are beneficial for sexual health. Almonds contain Vitamin E. This vitamin E helps to protect sperm from oxidative damage. This nuts and seeds contain amino acid arginines which boost the sexual life. Thus one should take handful of nuts and seeds daily which will helps to keep your sexual health strong.

Dark Chocolate

As chocolate is created from plants, it contains health benefits of dark vegetable .Chocolate release good chemical like endorphin, serotonin, dopamine etc in the body. It helps to boost sex drive.
For treating sexual Dysfunction ginger has been used from centuries. By soften the muscles around the blood vessels ginger helps to persuade blood circulation.

Thus this 4 secret helps you a lot to improve sexual life.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Protect Your 5 Vital Parts of Body

Every fatal disease that affects mankind is related to the 5 Vital Parts of body are Brain, Heart, Lungs, Kidneys, Liver. If all the five organs function well it means that you are healthy and happy. But modern life has given rise to much disease like High Blood Pressure, Dialysis, Diabetes, Brain Diseases and other. At such a time, it is crucial to protect the five vital organs of the body to remain healthy
So the following are some healthy tips which will help you to protect you five vital parts of the body:


Brain is the center of the nervous system. It controls our body system.

Tips to protect your brain:

1.    Vitamin helps to maintain the body running like a lubricate machine, but vitamin B3 particularly is most beneficial for brain. So start intaking of vitamin B3 for your brain.
2.     As we talk about brain-boosting supplements Ginkgo Tree is considered the best of all.
3.    Practice makes the brain stronger taking the time to get the proper exercise .This is an excellent opinion to make your brain strong. Try to avoid stress as it disturbs your brain function.


The heart is a muscular organ, which is responsible for pumping, oxygenated blood through the blood vessels. The human heart is located in the center of your chest slightly to the left side. And to have healthy heart one should eat right, it will help you to prevent from heart disease and bad cholesterol.

Tips to protect your heart:

1. Make Limit to have saturated fats.
2. Choose low fat proteins.
3. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
4. Limit the salt intake.
5. Regular exercise is necessary for healthy heart.


Lungs are the essential respiration organ and one should take care of it because if care is not taken then you can suffer from respiratory problems, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and pneumonia, tuberculosis, and lung cancer.

Tips to you to protect your lungs:

1. Quit Smoking and also avoid second hand smoke this directly or indirectly damage you lungs.
2. Control asthma as it can harm your lungs. So take proper medication on time and try to control.
3. Exercise is beneficial for health in many ways as it reduces obesity, keeps your heart strong, and prevents your lungs.


Kidney is one of the most important organ of the human body. It is responsible for several activities in our body.

Tips to protect your Kidney:

1. Drink plenty of water and limit caffeinated drinks this will help you to flush out of all the toxins from your body.
2. Regular check up of you blood pressure and blood glucose levels is necessary.
3. Eat a balance diet.
4. Quit smoking
5. Avoid use of tobacco as is increase the chances of chronic kidney disease.


Liver is the second largest organ in your body. The function of liver is to filter the blood that comes from your digestive tract and this organ plays a major role in metabolism of nutrients, drugs, alcohol etc, and it also helps to detoxify.

Tips to protect your liver:

1. Eat organic foods as much as possible and try to avoid the use of corn and peanut products.
2. Limit fructose, fried and processed food as it contains Tran’s fats which is not good for live.
3. Increase the consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables and other liver boosting foods.
4. Regular exercise is important to reduce the risk of fatty liver disease.
5. Avoid or quit smoking.

So above tips are very much essential for protecting our 5 vital parts of body follow it and live a long healthy life.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Health guidance For Fasting

Fast at month of ramadhan, if is sighted from health viewpoint, have severally benefit. And medical science now have admitted benefit of fasts that gets to induce to health and body goodness and someone think. This article constitute translation article that I translates from Dr. Farouk Haffejee's writing that gets title: “Some health guidelines for fasting “, obviously after ask for permit to websitenya's editor beforehand and thank God my permissible to translate this article.
This article give useful fomentation to avoid some common health problem that can be found up to month of ramadhan. If this fomentation are followed, godwilling someone will get to fast comfortably and enjoys spiritual's benefit perfect ala of month of ramadhan.
Up to holy month Ramadhan, food that we eat not been endeavored far cry with its alimentary one the day before ramadans and are endeavored as simple as maybe. Food that we eats to need is managed in such a way face so we make a abode to get keep body weight which normal, are not crescent or dwindling. But then, if you have body weight which luxuriant, therefore Ramadhan this is while that ideal for menormalkan body weight.
Since Ramadhan's fasting that we will perform to happen in full day full, we need mengkonsumsi food that slows to be digested included food that contains fiber, are not alimentary fast one be digested. Food that slows to be digested gets last until 8 hours, meanwhile fast one food is digested just last 3 until 4 hours. Alimentary example that slow for example been digested food which contain grain (grain) and digits as cereal as, chickpea, bean, wheat berry flour, white rice, etc. (or one is agglomerated as carbohydrate of complex) and one contains fiber as vegetable. Fasts one alimentary example be digested is victuals that contains sugar, wheat flour, etc. (one that is agglomerated as olahan's carbohydrate).
Food that is eaten has balance, containing component of each alimentary group which is fruit, vegetable, flesh / chicken / fish, bread / sereal and milk product. Deep-fried food insanitary and needs to be drawn the line. Food as it can cause digestion difficulty, ulu's ache heart, and problem body weight.
As much as can avoids:
? Deep-fried and alimentary food one fats
? Food that contain sugar overdose
? Mains excessive eating its at the time sahur
? Too much tea up to sahur. Tea gets role in outgoing more a lot of urin that according take in useful mineral salts that will need body along fast day.
? Smoke. If you are hard stop to smoke, step by step reduce beginning of some week before Ramadhan. Smoke insanitary and as much as can discontinued up to month of ramadhan.
Endeavor to eat:
? Complex carbohydrate at the time sahur so food that your eating withstands more so long and make you not very perceive peckish.
? Tofu and tempe is pretty good protein source and constitutes food that slows to be digested.
? Date is pretty good source for sugar, fiber, carbohydrate, potassium and magnesium.
? Numbers almond (numbers almond) rich will protein and fiber meagrely fat.
? Banana is good source for potassium, magnesium and carbohydrate.
? As enough as maybe water or fruit juice among time gets to open until your night so body sleep can adjust liquid rate in time.
? Medical problems that Generically
Konstipasi can cause piles (hermoroid), fisur (lekahan who feels to take ill on anus channel) and digestion difficulty espoused by puff belly feel. Cause of: Too much food olahan, too few water drink and inadequate fiber in diet.
Trick settles: Avoid luxuriant olahan food, increase asupan water, utilize bran to roast.
Cause of: Excessive eating. Too much shirring and food food fats, shrewish food, and victuals that results to gas as egg, cabbage, bean, and carbonated potion can also result gas.
Trick settles: Don't eat to laid it on thick, fruit juice drink or still more wheter regarding white water. Avoid deep-fried victuals, and adds celery seed into victuals that results to gas.
LETARGI(”low blood pressure pressure ”)
Sticking out overacting sweat, poor body, insufficiently energy, giddiness, notably while stands up from seat position, of presenting pale and perceiving jaded is bound up phenomena with “ low blood pressure pressure ”. This happening tend at the time draws near evening.
Cause of: too few asupan liquid, asupan is salt decreases.
Trick settles: Regular labour to get poise, increase asupan liquid and salt.
Warning: Burden of proof low blood pressure pressure by checks blood tension while its phenomena happen. Person that have high blood pressure maybe require cure fitting up to Ramadhan. They shall consult by doctor.
Cause of: Abrupt stop of coffee drink and smoking, get activity too much in one days, insufficiently gets asleep, peckish usually happens while the sun was tall and most feel at end days. If relates by “ low blood pressure pressure ”, headache can become acute and can also cause nausea / bellyful before gets open.
Trick settles: Reduce coffee consumption (if you coffee drunkard) and smoking (if you a smoker) ala gets to move over beginning of one week or two weeks before Ramadhan. Herb tea and caffeine free one can be made as substitution. Reschedule rule you up to Ramadhan so you have bedtime that adequately.
Poor body, giddiness, tired, be hard concentrate, edge out sweaty, tremor, can't do physical activity, headache, and palpitasi (fast one and irregular heartbeat) is its low phenomena blood sugar rates.
Cause of on person non diabetes: mengkonsumsi is sugar overdose, namely olahan's carbohydrate in particular one a long time sahur. Body results causative insulin overdose menurun's blood glucose.
Trick settles: something eating while sahur and draws the line food and drink that contains sugar.
Warning: diabetes patient may need to adjust cure up to Ramadhan, bargain for doctor contact.
Cause of: asupan is calcium, magnesium and potassium that not sufficiently of alimentary. Trick settles: Rich food will minerals as vegetable as, numbers, produkproduk is milk, flesh and date.
Warning: To you that tripping high blood pressure cure and experience calculus problem, need to contact doctor.
Acid contents that increases in empty belly up to month of ramadhan exacerbate this condition. This will evoke singe sensation in bellying region under bone rib and can extend to get to throat. Shrewish food, coffee, and Cola's potion gets to exacerbate this condition.
Severally salving reserve for control acid contents in bellying. Evident person experience intestine inflammation and hiatus hernia needs to contact doctor before Ramadhan. 
Calculus can happen on person that mengkonsumsi less liquid. Thus importanting to drink affix liquid to prevent formation calculus.
Cause of: pressure that increases on knee joint up to performs Sholat. On person that gets old age and they what do experience arthritis can cause ache, rigor, swelling and uncomfortableness.
Trick settles: Reduce body weight so knee not underpin luxuriant charges. Coach tungkai down. Healthy physically enable physical activity completion that greater, so someone gets to do sholat squashy. That is umpteen health guidance up to month of ramadhan, guidance those are gone upon on scientific research that just knew by marks sense science and technology developing lately, but goes away previously Rasulullah SAW has given tips that really efficacious:
“Child Adam not fills to the full a more place bad of its belly. Adequately on their behalf umpteen bribe which that memfungsikan can its body. If undiscovered another way, therefore (it can fill its belly) with one-third for alimentary, a third for potion, and its one-third again for exhalation.” (HR. Ibnu Majah and Ibnu Hibban)


Life healthying to constitute everybody aim. A variety effort is done that its life lies on prima condition. And, apparently secret living healthy not lays in to outgrow it production or someone wages. To get us healthy life not necessarily waits until our production outgrow. Even little wages if we aptly intend to live healthy, therefore gets to be accomplished.

For men with big production, maybe gets to meet the need life with all the best. But needs us to realise that not all food or the need get menyehatkan our body. Hush hush healthy life don't lay in to outgrow its little our production. Although we get little production, on kenyataannta just can apply healthy life concept and menyehatkan warms up.
In our life, it oftentimes becomes one fact that don't argue again. Even, by dozens men which gets production there are many apparently its life not well. Too much negative thing that their consumption so on eventually evoke disease on their body. There are many its the living one riches full takes ill, so also thing it with poor man that apparently goes away healthier than made of money that. It because each person have healthy life secret for its life.
Little production Do Not mean Insanitary
There are many person with little production, snugly pasan but they alive are consumed with health. Never suffer acute pain or mengkawatirkan is heart. If pain even, they just typical disease pain poor man, which is wind or head cold input. Never heavy pain.
Just it necessarily we make as peer because are in fact, person with oft luxuriant production have disease that really alarms deep its body. There are many the wealthy which in its body broods a variety disease. Even, by dozens that really have suffered so pain acute.
For thing that is, therefore we necessarily begin think to live healthy despite of measly production. Evenless divides we who get big production necessarily begin to apply healthy life. It because greatest possible gets they do.
How Can We Live healthy?
Healthy is condition that really been hungered by everybody. There is no one one wants its life suffer because pain. Therefore, a variety effort is done to be able to reach health zoom lives.

To the thing of, there are several healthy living secret one has we apply deep our life. This constitute secret that applied by a lot of healthy person and frequent being forgotten men that hereafter been attacked disease. Hush hush that is:

    * Healthy alimentary consumption

      Eat healthy food and menyehatkan. So we do ever get advice of parents. They always give advice on we don't rampant eating. It because actually all diseased type begins of belly.

      If we eat one good manners and food type that our healthy eating, therefore of course our body gets best. With healthy food this is, therefore we can keep in good health each a part our bodies all the best.

      Of so much food apparently so riskan for our health, evenless if consumed deep plethora, e.g. mutton, spinach, santan, evenless if alimentary that has ditambahani with chemical substance for melezatkannya.

    * Eat while peckish, stop before be full

      Main utmost thing causative eating is sensed hungry. If our belly starves, therefore on our that time needs to fill it. It to meet the need it. With eating while starves, therefore we don't inure belly, empty stomach so our most dodge of disease, for example disease maag.

      In the meantime, we shall stop eating before we are full, evenless surfeit. No until we eat until surfeit. If that thing happening on bellying, our stomach, therefore our stomach will feel pain because shall work extra for mengolah food that is more than ration its ability. Obviously it causes to bounce up pain easy because charges outsize that shall be worked.

    * Workaday sport

      Workaday sport constitutes one of healthy life secret. There are many person which do sport activity and gets body health. They routinely get sport, although sport type that done by simple once.

      Sport that we means is sporting healthy and be not sporting achievement so practical everyone get to do it. E.g. morning gymnastic or runs morning each finish perform sholat subuh. Or a only gets pancal's bicycle ride drawn round kampong or house hallway. This little sport momentously

      Actually, hush hush healthy life is not something that aptly secret cause everyone gets to do it. If everybody wants to do this simple activity, therefore health wills be wage to divide their length life.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Water: Single Important Nutrient

  Water is said to be the lifeline for every living being. It is the most important nutrient for health. Water is such an essential fluids that helps to the vital functioning in the body. It helps to lubricate the joints, regulates temperature and provides essential minerals and fluids. Water helps you to get the blush on your skin. It has been recommended that you can be healthy by drinking 6 to 7 glasses of water daily.

   Dehydration is one of the severe causes which can cause serious health problems. This takes place your mechanism is disturbed. You fail to drink water when you are thirsty or you may lose water from your body in a short time. All these factors can bring dehydration.  So it is vital that you drink enough water to avoid this. Water is very important nutrient which can avoid these conditions.

  When you don’t drink enough water which is required to the body you can suffer by the following symptoms…
  •        Severe Thirst.
  •       You feel confused some times.
  •         Dizziness
  •        Dryness of lips and tongue
  •       Increase in heart rate and breathing.
  •        Your skin looks dry and elasticity is lost.
  •          Urine is passed is small quantity and dark colored.
  If you want to be sure that you are drinking enough water then you will find that your urine is consistently pale and your skin glows slowly.

Drinking water during fever, vomiting and diarrhea is essential so that you will not get dehydrated from time to time. Thus it is more important to drink water.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Top 10 Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Health is a long term wealth. This simply means if you are healthy you can save your wealth which you need to pay to doctors and medications after being unhealthy. A healthy lifestyle does not only means to healthy living and wellness but also living peaceful and good way thinking. It also matters your physical and psychological problems which you need to avoid. If you opt a healthy living you can live a happy long life.

The following are the ten top tips which will help you to live a healthy lifestyle:

Balanced Healthy Diet:
The first point which you should follow is the healthy diet. This keeps you away from diseases and boosts your energy level to keep you fit and energetic.

Regular Exercise:
Regular exercise is necessary so that your mind gets refresh and you can work the whole day with a healthy mind and body.

A perfect schedule for Day:
Plan the things what you need to today and follow them. You works will be completed you will not have pressure.  You will have the proper time to work and rest your body.

Control Anger:
Anger can lead you to happen unfortunate things. It can also be harmful on your body as it increases your blood pressure level. Control your anger and try to think the either way.

Company of good friends:
If you are in good company of friends the you feel good, Choose your friends carefully. Check out their lifestyle and behavior.

Realizing positive points:
Always think positive towards your life.  Motivation can be an effective key to success so don’t select the negative path. Set your goals and try to reach.

Managing Finances:
 Finance plays an important role on your living. Try to manage them efficiently and give the priority to your financing.

Improve Weakness:
Try to realize where you lack and try improve in that field. Weakness can hamper your healthy living.

Participation in healthy activities:
Be an active player. Participate in the social activities which takes place may in societies, offices or in any thing which is surrounding you.

Avoid Bad Habits:
Always avoid bad habits as they hamper your wellbeing. Smoking, drinking alcohol is not good for health and also for your healthy lifestyle. It affects your health, mind and money.
If you try to follow these you will be successful in living a healthy lifestyle.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Natural Healthy Skin Tips

  Everyone wants healthy and younger looking skin.  As we grow elder for men and women, the factors such as weather, pollution, stress from work can disturb your skin. Apart from the age these factors show an unhealthy skin.

   Before you break down with the unhealthy skin here are some natural skin tips which will help you to keep your skin clean and healthy.


  •    Whenever you move out always wear protective clothing.
  •   You can also apply sunscreen lotion with high SPF a half an hour before going out to sun.
  •  Excess of tea and coffee can be damage to your skin so cut them off.
  • Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is good for health.
  •  Well balanced diet and avoiding oily and fatty foodstuff is an added measure.
  • When you shave use clean and sharp razors so that they do not infect skin.
  •  Always moisturize your skin if it is dry.

Don't s:

  •  Avoid moving under direct sun between 10 am to 4 pm as the sunlight can be hard on your skin.
  • Avoid indoor tanning of skins.
  • Avoid fast foods.
  • Do not squeeze blackheads and zits as they can leave scars on face.
  • Avoid harsh and strong soaps for oily skin.
  • Do not take long shower baths.
  • Smoking and excessive alcoholic drinks can burn your skin and will give you premature aging.

   In this way you can save your skin naturally and enhance your young age.